Weser, Till Fabian

Till Fabian Weser

Till Fabian Weser is “in his main profession” a member of the Bamberg Symphony Orchestra. He has been artistic director of the Bamberg Summer Opera since 2005.

Weser was born in 1965 in Bloomington, Indiana, USA. He studied and took conducting courses with Carl St. Clair and Roger Norrington, among others, and was also assistant to Zoltán Peskó and Ingo Metzmacher. Till Fabian Weser can look back on many successful concerts in national and international settings, such as at the Lucerne International Music Festival, the Rheingau Music Festival or Beethovenfest Bonn. He has conducted the Düsseldorf Symphony Orchestra, the Nuremberg Symphony Orchestra, the Hof Symphony Orchestra, the Jena Philharmonic Orchestra and the Deutsche Kammerakademie, among others.

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Working Phase of the Jugendsymphonieorchester Oberfranken
Till Fabian Weser
Concert of the Jugendsymphonieorchester Oberfranken
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