Kick-off Concert Ingolf Turban (Violin)

Master Concert Turban Sawallisch

The opening concert for violin by Ingolf Turban will take place on Sunday, 11. May 2025 at 7 pm in the concert hall of Haus Marteau, Lobensteiner Str. 4, 95192 Lichtenberg.

Tomoko Sawallisch will accompany on the piano.

Tickets are available at a price of 25 euros, concessions 12.50 euros (pupils, students and disabled persons). A binding online ticket reservation (see below) is required.

Remaining tickets on the day of the concert from 4 pm on 09288 6495. Box office one hour before the concert begins. Free choice of seats.

If tickets are not collected, reserved tickets will be charged plus a handling fee.

Event Details
  • Days
  • Start Date
    11. May 2025
  • End Date
    11. May 2025
  • Remaining Tickets
    77 Tickets
Ticket reservation
Kick-off Concert
Event Details
  • Days
  • Start Date
    11. May 2025
  • End Date
    11. May 2025
  • Remaining Tickets
    77 Tickets